Monday, March 25, 2013

Fellow Bloggers

Starting a blog is not that difficult. You have lots of ideas and you have the impression that no one is properly covering that domain you're particularly interested in. So you start off writing with a lot of enthusiasm. Still, I see that lots of blogs just fade away in time. And I guess that one of the greatest disappointments is the lack of response you get. Blogging is, whether you like it or not, more than other social media mostly one way traffic. That's why I've always tried to make some publicity for other bloggers who passed my way. Unfortunately, a lot of those I've mentioned in the past came ànd went due to some or other circumstances.

Still, I would like to mention a couple of new or existing blogs I visit regularly (or rather : I let Feeddemon do that for me). Here we go - in random order.
  • Accelerate with ATS
    This developerWorks blog is from IBM Americas ATS (Advanced Technical Skills) and is mainly a platform for announcing their webcasts on storage hardware and software. Some topics that were covered : LTFS LE for Windows, XIV Technical update, TPC Performance Management, DS8870 Technical update ... The latest post is announcing a webcast on Understanding and Analyzing TS7700 Performance that takes place on April 18, 2013.
  • Inside Systems Support
    This blog helps you optimize your experience of the Support Portal with posts like Customizing your view in IBM Support Portal, Benefits of Signing in to Support Portal, IBM Support Portal: An Overview, Looking for an item in IBM Support? Let our search engines help you!, Managing your product list in IBM Support Portal ... Definitely worth a look !
  • MVS program blog
    This is a Share blog by Mary Anne Matyaz aka ZOSsygirl that's been around for about almost a year now. It's very to the point and covers, as the title already says, all kinds of MVS stuff. A couple of titles : Shedding light on the "Top 5 obscure z/OS tools you're not using" (about ao Parallel Sysplex Inject Error tool, Mark Zelden's IPLINFO Rexx, Lookat ...), The Very Best of z/OS 2.1, My zAware Quickstart Guide (very nice article) etc. etc.
  • Ingolf's z/VSE Blog
    This blog only exists for about a month but seems to be a real asset for the z/VSE community. The intentions of Ingolf Salm are clear : "With this blog I want to provide information about the mainframe operating system z/VSE. That is news, hints & tips, any z/VSE topic you are interested in, where I am knowledgable. I hope you will find this blog valuable".Well, I do. I won't give you any titles because if you're into z/VSE you just have to go and take a look at it !
Well that's it. And, as I always say : just check them out !

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